Dear Swim Friends and Family,

The Blue Marlins Swim Club takes the overall club championship in recently concluded SAC Invitational Swimming Championships, achieving a third consecutive win. The event was held last week from Thursday 20th to Sunday 23rd February at the Shrewsbury Aquatic Center in Ratho Mill. A total of 28 athletes competed for Blue Marlins and won 153 individual medals: 65 gold, 56 silver and 32 bronze.
Blue Marlins won with a total of 1,391 points and second place was Black Sands Swim Squad with 1,323 points. They also captured 6 of the 10 age group titles. Here are some highlight of the results:
Our age group champions:
- Female age 8 & under – Raya Adams representing Blue Marlins swim Club (BM)
- Male age 8 & under – Zane Dabriel swimming for BM
- Female age 9 to 10 – Nua Griffith swimming for Black Sands Swim Squad (BSSS)
- Male age 9 to 10 – Saj Caesar swimming for BM
- Female age 11 to 12 – Belle Adams swimming for BM
- Male age 11 -12 – Kione Deshong swimming for BSSS
- Female age 13 to 14 – Eltonique Leonard swimming for BSSS
- Male age 13 to 14 – Jadon Hamilton swimming for BM
- Female age 15 & over – Kennice Greene swimming for BSSS
- Male age 15 & over – Hazen Dabriel swimming for BM
Special congratulations goes to Kione Deshong who broke the 9 year-old record of Alex Joachim in the 200 meter Breaststroke event (in the boys age 11 to 12 category).
We will shortly select our team to compete at the upcoming Carifta Aquatics Championships being held in Trinidad over the Easter weekend. Congratulations to all swimmers and their coaches. It is gratifying to see an uptick in the number of 8 & under age group swimmers.
See attached documents for results: